
Russian Lapland is… - Inreperta.

Russian Lapland is…

…rows and rows of coniferous trees as far as the eye can see in the polar summer’s 24-hour light.
…one of those lands where the expression ‘the sound of silence’ starts making sense.
…a place where rivers are wild and lakes are fascinating [and covered in ice sometimes even at the beginning of June].
…filled with the joy and kindness of its people even if the latitude and the thermometer make you think otherwise.
…the perfect opportunity for yet another snowball fight, just like in your childhood.
…the home of Father Frost, who received his last letter from the Philippines while we were there; food for thought.
...’responsible’ for the smile that cute bunnies put on your face when they practically surround you while you try to discover a Saami village.
…the funny faces of the cuddly reindeer and the joyfulness of a baby elk.
…luck, love, and hope mixed together and served chilled.
…my favourite destination of 2017, so far.

Lapland, Russia

Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia

Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia

Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia
Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia

Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia

Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia

Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia

Laplandsky Zapovednik, Russia

Home of Father Frost, Russia

Home of Father Frost, Russia

Sam Syyt, Russia

Sam Syyt, Russia

Sam Syyt, Russia

Sam Syyt, Russia

Sam Syyt, Russia
Thank you, Yulia! Thank you, Лапландский заповедник!

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