
Bits of history in the whole of Cyprus – memories of a long-gone summer - Inreperta.

Bits of history in the whole of Cyprus – memories of a long-gone summer

History is a bit tricky. Not only is its accepted version usually written by the victors, but even this final version gets distorted every once in a while.

In the end, history, too, is a matter of common sense = what you read + what you know + what you heard + what you feel

With these concerns expressed, here are 6 spots in Cyprus that managed to stand despite the changing of the centuries.


Visiting the old train station in Evrychou

There was once a railway in Cyprus. It used to connect Famagusta (in the east) to Evrychou (in the west). This final station currently hosts the Cyprus Railways Museum, with lovely views of the Cypriot countryside.

The village itself is worth a visit because it stayed genuine.

By looking at the pictures displayed in the museum, you will understand much more than words can ever say.

Cyprus Railways Museum, Evrychou, Cyprus


Staying in Old Lefkoşa

I won’t hide it – it can be tricky, difficult to drive, and even more difficult to park around Old Lefkoşa.

There were construction works underway and some attractions were closed.

However, it is a fascinating place to be. So, my piece of advice is to walk as much as you can and find a place to sleep there. Büyük Han [The Great Inn], now transformed into a modern bazaar, with handmade local products, is worth a visit for the views, vibes, and colours.

At Büyük Han, Old Lefkoşa, Cyprus


Searching for Sourp Magar Armenian Monastery

Challenging task indeed!

We searched a lot for the ruins of the 15th-century Armenian Monastery. Locals were eager to help but there was a linguistic barrier... In the end, we found it right before sunset. It was very beautiful and orange even though the monastery is now abandoned.

How to get there? The easiest way is a drive from Girne (the last part – 14-15 minutes – on a pretty bad road). From the picnic area, follow the road that descends to a barrier, lift that barrier and continue until you reach the monastery ruins.

Entering Sourp Magar Armenian Monastery, Cyprus


Climbing to the top of Saint Hilarion Castle

It is difficult under the 37C Cypriot noon heat.

It is more difficult if you’ve got slippery shoes.

On the other hand, it is the best preserved of all the former strongholds of the north Cypriot coast and the start of the construction works is said to go as back as the 10th century. Built on a mountain peak, at 732m, the castle top is accessible and other higher parts of the castle can be climbed, too.  

At the top of Saint Hilarion Castle, Cyprus


Enjoying the views offered by Kantara Castle

Labelled as ‘the most romantic castle’ of the north Cypriot coast, it is easy to understand the reason behind that once you get there. From 700 metres above sea level, there are glorious views of the coast and the mountains that stretch along the Karpaz Peninsula.

The exact construction start date of the castle remains unknown, but ‘Byzantine’ seems to be the closest guess regarding its origins.

At the time of our visit (early September 2022), admission was free.  

View from Kantara Castle, Cyprus


Walking along the ruins of Salamis

6 km north of modern Famagusta, you can find the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Salamis.

Some of them are very well kept (I should mention the columns and the amphitheatre) given the fact that the city was established around 1100 BC.

It prospered in the Roman period and was abandoned after the Arab raids of the 7th century.

The ancient city of Salamis, Cyprus


Hope you enjoy them all and leave each with your own opinions and travel stories.

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