
No Forever... - Inreperta.

No Forever...

Petra singing in Rasnov, Romania, 19
Nostalgia crept in these days. Some were so busy that I barely had time to sleep or eat.
Others felt busy in my mind. It's extraordinary when you realise things, when you understand that the values ruling you when you were 19 still apply.
That you still seek kindness, truth, and love and try to give them out yourself.
That the lyrics that you wrote for one of your songs half your life ago have the same echo.
Topics are scheduled for every week of the blog, yet this week... I couldn't get myself to write anything else than I have.
I'll go on, never giving up on being human, loving, kind... irrespective of the disappointments that came or continue to come my way.

It was fun
Guess I never-ever should have let you go away
But this time, I thought
You didn’t love me like I loved you, anyway
Or you did... But, you see... Is there... ?

There’s no forever
            To catch you in my dreams
            No forever
            To wash away the tears
            No forever
            To hear your laugh again
            No forever
            To love you like back then...
            There’s no forever...

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