
Around the Persian Gulf - Inreperta.

Around the Persian Gulf

 More than 3 years ago, I was there with my friends enjoying those days. I couldn’t return since because of the very strict travel rules, but I hope those change, too.

In the meantime, I did promise to write this article… and it’s better late than never. Until we can make new memories together. J


Qeshm Island

It is the largest of all the islands mentioned in this piece; naturally, it also offered the most in terms of adventure.

I’d recommend renting a car for at least one day. I’d also recommend hydration (I loved Rani – apricot flavour; I could drink it nonstop) and keeping your eyes on the animals around. You could even spot a fennec. 

           My highlights on Qeshm?

          Swimming – I used neoprene shorts and a long-sleeve UV blouse, found a secluded spot and just enjoyed the water (as I would be reassured the following day, currents are strong).

         The mangrove forest – a boat can be rented from the office in Tabl and the surroundings are pretty around sunset time.

          The salt cave of Qeshm is small, but the entire experience is lovely; you get to ask questions to the curator and feel like an explorer.

On the way to the salt cave of Qeshm, Iran

            Chahkooh Canyon – heading there either early in the morning or during late afternoon is recommended; the heat can become overbearing otherwise.        

Marcel in Chahkooh Canyon, Qeshm, Iran

One of the nicest memories of the entire trip through Iran is the time spent around the boat/terrace of Fulton Boutique Hotel, with Mahdi and Mohamad, sharing opinions and laughing over the happy events of our lives. Friendship matters.      

Marcel, Mahdi, Mohamad, and Petra on Qeshm, Iran

The boat terrace, Qeshm, Iran

Hengam Island

…was my favourite.

Yes, there is a Silver Beach (and it shines).

The sea is electric turquoise; I would’ve loved a swim, but only Marcel had the privilege.

He was also the one to taste the famous local dish that involves seafood and oil.

There are plenty of things to buy from the bazaar. I believe that the bazaar on Hormuz Island sells products of higher variety and quality (sellers are nicer on Hengam).

The loveliest thing about this island is that you get to see dolphins. Up close. We were there in mid-May. We negotiated with a fisherman on Qeshm, he took us to Hengam and stayed with us to stroll around and watch the dolphins play. I’ve never seen so many in one spot!  

Dolphin watching, Hengam, Iran

Dolphins! Hengam, Iran

Hormuz Island

It was close to 40°C in the shade when we got to Hormuz. The boat ride was arranged by Mohamad (who also helped and saved us many times, our car rental included). We were accompanied by Mona and Amir and we had a lot of fun crossing the sea. Our return trip was very adventurous and bumpy and I didn’t know that those clear and beautiful waters could turn so wild.

Returning to Qeshm from Hormuz, Iran
We made it back to Qeshm, Iran: with Mona and Amir

We rented a tuk-tuk with our private driver for the day, while we travelled in the trailer and were introduced to the highlights of the island.

Colours of Hormuz, Iran

It is a beautiful place and the colours are different (more vivid after the rain) and change a lot depending on the part of the island that you’re discovering. To me, the happiest moments were spent

swimming and snorkelling – it felt so refreshing that all my cares were gone; the visibility is very good;

shopping in the local bazaar – I found so many nice items, from handmade trousers to sand necklaces;

visiting an art gallery – (it was located inside the school building) and Marcel did buy a painting (he got a bit confused with the exchange rate… but it’s such a nice item to take home and you get to see it every day).

The art gallery on Hormuz, Iran

Bandar Abbas

It is the gateway to Qeshm Island and it is well connected to other cities in Iran by road, rail, and air.

However, to me – and I hope I don’t offend anyone –, it’s the only city in Iran where I didn’t feel at ease.

Maybe it’s also because we bid farewell to the car I’ve grown so close to over 3 weeks there… and I cried remembering our entire trip – an adventurous and beautiful trip, possibly my favourite so far.   


Iran has a special place in my heart through the beauty that I’ve experienced there, every day. And I am not only talking about the diverse and wow-inducing landscape, but also of the beauty in people’s hearts. Of how welcome and happy you feel.

I just hope that I get to see my friends soon and spend happy moments again, together! ♥

Until we meet again; Qeshm, Iran

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