
Reasons for our Bosnia return and river runs - Inreperta.

Reasons for our Bosnia return and river runs

 It’s easy. Bosnia and Herzegovina remained one of our favourite travel destinations.

We returned to kayak. Bosnia and Herzegovina has some of the most beautiful rivers seen by us around the world. Their features and colour are unforgettably turquoise. Sadly, June brought too much rain and very low temperatures. The water level of most rivers made it impossible for us to run them.

Coming from a stunning country – our beloved Romania –, we could only fall for another stunning country. Wherever you go, nature in Bosnia and Herzegovina is bewildering and there are so many things to do!   

The food is another thing that we love. A Bosnian meal is made with soul – and you can feel it! We love the fresh ingredients! (and I love the sweets!)

People around the country are kind, welcoming, and helpful. Over the years, we have made friends in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We love seeing them when we travel there.

Overall, there is a certain state that a trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina gives us. We feel free to be ourselves and act without filters. Not many countries offer that.


Here’s an overview of our Bosnian river adventures—

Klokot – we had never heard about it, but our friends from Bihaċ recommended it for beaver watching! We did see dabar.

Klokot River in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Una by inflatable double kayak – we stayed at Japodski Otoci; kayaks and bicycles were on the house, so we went for an evening paddling tour around the islands

Una River in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Una by raft our friends took us from downtown Bihaċ to Pokoj, a route that was unknown to us; there was fun, there were waterfalls, and there was the unexpected…

Una River in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Neretva – wilder than we had imagined this river to be; it is fierce, to say the least; luckily, we were in great hands

Neretva River in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Trebižat – from easy to complex on a surprising river, seemingly hidden from the rest of the world! P.S. Great company!

Trebižat River in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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