
A brief stop in Markazi Province… and intro into Lorestan - Inreperta.

A brief stop in Markazi Province… and intro into Lorestan

 When I travel, I always do it with an open heart... and the love that I give returns... most of the time unexpectedly.

Iran has power over me. There is an unforgettable charm, which calls me to explore it. I did cross almost all its provinces and today is about what happened in Markazi and Lorestan.

Entering Lorestan, Iran



Our first stop was at the old Arak Bazaar. Built in the 19th century, it is different from other bazaars in that its routes are geometrically symmetrical.

Arak Bazaar, Markazi, Iran

Lake Meyghan followed. It was very hot and the clouds were mercilessly gathering at the horizon. This lunar sight is one of Iran’s largest salt lakes and a walk around its shores is a very interesting experience. We arrived on a Thursday and there were even buses taking visitors closer to the lake; of course that we were invited for a ride!

Lake Meyghan and the clouds, Markazi, Iran



As we left Lake Meyghan and started driving towards Borujerd, the air got colder, it started raining, and the snow-capped mountains appeared again. /This is what I had pictured Lorestan, anyway: green and cool./

Rain welcoming us to Lorestan

People around Borujerd were extremely hospitable – this incredible hospitality can be felt all around Iran; it’s just that, in certain areas, it’s even more present. We were taken to be shown views, we were invited for a sleepover, we were smiled at a lot.  


One of our wishes was to see Lake Gahar. The landscape to the starting point of the trek to the lake leaves you breathless. Unfortunately, as I hadn’t been able to communicate well with the Iranian authorities on this specific point, our trek was denied (we were explained that there was a prohibition period inside the natural reserve and that we couldn’t enter without a permit). We needed to return to Borujerd.  

Drive to Lake Gahar, Lorestan, Iran

Yes, I was upset but my positive side always wins, so I told myself that it’s better to make the most of our stay in the area.

The starting point was Kapargah Canyon, just outside Borujerd. It’s a beautiful place. However, after some trekking, the trail became difficult because of the heavy mud.

Kapargah Canyon, Lorestan, Iran

We had heard something about the village of Vanai, famous for pickles, so we drove there. People were again so friendly to us! We did buy pickles and they served us along the way – this always happens when we are open to what the road is ready to teach us and offer us.

The pickles in Vanai, Lorestan, Iran

The old bridge in Borujerd was last on our wish list. J From the early Qajar period, Ghale Hatam bridge is excellently kept and offers beautiful photo opportunities. 

One of the selfies at Ghale Hatam Bridge, Borujerd, Lorestan, Iran

We met wonderful people there, took selfies with the locals, and ended up going to have tea at two sisters’ home. Their mother welcomed us dearly and treated us so well even though it was Ramadan and they couldn’t join us. We still keep in touch even if they don’t speak English and I don’t speak Persian.

Our new friends from Borujerd, Lorestan, Iran


…and it’s always a pleasure to have your days turned around. Trust in the person beside you takes you a long way… straight to their heart!

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