
Please tell the past it’s over - Inreperta.

Please tell the past it’s over

I was once only a silly girl with blonde braids and blue eyes,
With a shattered smile but with a hope that lingered,
With a love that unfolded, then turned sour

I was once the mousy-haired girl hurt without remorse,
Given sunshine and rainbows but no fairy tale ending,
I was too many times a fool to believe in change.

Help, however, comes when you least expect it
And makes you change but – in essence – stay the same

In the end, all I wanted was to be loved
and I surrender now, ‘as I realise that I am’
Says the girl ready to become the wise woman she was probably all along.

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© Olivia-Petra Coman, 2019 | Photographer: © Marcel Bancila. Powered by Blogger.