
A new discovery: Sygic Travel App - Inreperta.

A new discovery: Sygic Travel App

Travellers need tools while roaming the world. Let me tell you about a new app that I started using and that’s definitely my style.
Budapest, Hungary
It’s got a colourful and neatly-designed interface, which is a great way to plan. Because that’s what you’re going to do.
Florence, Italy
Heading to London, Rome, Paris, New York, Barcelona, Prague, Amsterdam, Budapest, Milan, Florence, Washington D.C., or San Francisco – and I am sure that the list will be expanded –? Then, kick it off by adding your arrival location and some other places of interest that are handpicked and provided inviting descriptions.
London, UK
What other perks are there on offer? You’ve got maps, metro maps, tram maps, info on the city and on the country that includes it, weather forecast, video tours… and here’s the best part: you can download data packages and simply work offline to build up your itinerary.
Your route will be quickly computed; accommodation and car rental suggestions will be received based on the area that you wish to explore.
Barcelona, Catalunya
Following a very interesting turn of events, I will be returning to two of my favourite cities this year – Amsterdam and Paris –, so guess who’s assisting me in finding some terrific bakeries, museums, and curiosities?
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Of course it’s Sygic!
Download it here and try it out: iOS app & Android app

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