
3 authentic villages in Southern Moldova - Inreperta.

3 authentic villages in Southern Moldova

I always follow signs. While I may not look for them, I am ready to look into them when they appear.


When the first stop on our impromptu trip to Moldova led us to Selemet, I didn’t fight it. [I must admit that it’s the village that got closest to my heart.]

It may be that we made friends while staying at the wonderfully-run ‘La Mădălina’ bed and breakfast. It’s traditional and cosy and the food is fantastic [thank you, Nadea! honestly, two persons can’t eat that much! J] I will always remember the compotes we had there! It’s all local and natural, the way it should be!

Dinner at 'La Madalina', Selemet, Moldova

Larisa and Mădălina kindly invited us to join them for the Resurrection Night celebrated at one of the oldest churches in the whole of Moldova. It was magical!

Easter time in Selemet, Moldova


While it may host one of the most well-known wineries in Moldova, Purcari kept its authenticity. It is very scenic to drive in and around. The hills full of vines add a je-ne-sais-quoi to the entire area, even in the rain. We would have loved to explore the surroundings by bicycle!

Purcari, Moldova

The winery tours and tastings are a treat – so is the sparkling wine served at breakfast. Chilled. How else? J Walks around the winery to see the swans and breathe in the fresh air and the meals served there are some special experiences. So is sleeping in a barrel. You do go home with one-of-a-kind memories.   

Dinner at Purcari, Moldova


The stop in Zaim came unexpectedly, driving again in the rain in the intricate village streets. It is the birthplace of poet Alexei Mateevici. Ms. Tatiana Julea was so kind to introduce personal details into the stories and history she told us. We left so happy, once again, and proud to be part of this nation.

Zaim, Moldova

It felt the same way in the second grade, when we studied one of the poet’s masterpieces, ‘Limba noastră’ [‘Our Language’],

‘ … Limba noastră-i foc ce arde
Într-un neam, ce fără veste
S-a trezit din somn de moarte
Ca viteazul din poveste … ‘


‘ … Our language is a fire

In a nation to prevail

From the deadly sleep and mire

Like the hero from the tale … ’

[Translated by Daniela Ioniţă]

Limba noastra | Our Language, Alexei Mateevici

There are more places to discover, I’m sure. While the signs aren’t always there the first time around [in our case, the third time in Moldova], there’s always the hope of next time.


La mulţi ani prietenilor noştri din Moldova! ♥

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